Has your business met objectives at least halfway through your 5-year financial plan? Don’t throw your arms up and scream “all I wanted was a low-risk, high-opportunity solution for leads so I can pay my bills, become rich and famous!” Don’t give up just yet, because success is still in sight.
eCommerce Conversion Rate Optimization is your new best friend.
Did you know, 96% of your website visitors will not come back a second time? What an absolute shame, especially considering you pumped thousands of dollars to upgrade, reimagine, rebrand, re-focus your online presence for optimized gain. Ranking high with search engines is a pointless endeavor. You are directing probable suspects to a page that leaves them wanting or doubting your value.
STOP right now. Investing blindly of your time, money and energy on SEO is just simply narrow-sighted.
Only 4% of companies are doing it right out there. Be THEM. Better yet, be the top 1% in your industry and leave the competition salivating for your scraps. You need to figure out why so many stop-and-go, and once you know that hard truth, you can deal with it correctly. Start converting these poor misguided folk into leads, sales and ultimately retention gold!
How can you improve anything without a proper diagnosis? YOU CAN’T.
Yes, perhaps our methods of online direct-response marketing are not for the faint-hearted. You have to be willing to hear the hard facts we toss at you (even if you think it’s the prettiest website ever!) for the sake of Your Conversion Rate Optimization.
Woah. You’re not sure what that is? We sense a little big issue already. CRO marketing or Ecommerce Conversion Rate Optimization – an enhancing tactic that will maximize your return from online marketing. Basic speak: we will dissect your analytics, strip apart your digital misconceptions, we will infiltrate your CTA stats files, we will probe and digi-audit everything from start to end. Yes, strip you down naked so we can see every teeny, tiny flaw in your digital marketing tools and execution.
WHY? You need a REAL deep dive and certified, diabolical diagnostics of user behavior and bait trap (ahem! we mean enticement value) in order to make good decisions with digital marketing investment.
Don’t treat your business as a DIY project. You have your digital marketing tools in place, yay you! All we’re asking is for your permission to snoop around and figure out the issue(s) of dead leads. Besides, we love attention almost as much as we love collaboration. Please, talk to us!